Building Data-Driven Solutions for EdTech

Building Data-Driven Solutions for EdTech

Since September 2016, the International Innovation Corps (IIC) Social Enterprises Team has worked with OnlineTyari, an emerging ed-tech startup that helps government aspirants prepare for government exams in India.

Karnataka Tackles Road Accidents

Karnataka Tackles Road Accidents

Project Associate April Stewart shares stories from beneficiaries treated under the Mukhyamantri Santwana Harish Scheme (MSHS) for road traffic accident victims, launched by the Suvarna Arogya Suraksha Trust (SAST)

UChicago’s Anup Malani on India, Demonetization and Measuring the Effects

UChicago’s Anup Malani on India, Demonetization and Measuring the Effects

Anup Malani, the Lee and Brena Freeman Professor at the University of Chicago Law School and Faculty Director of UChicago’s International Innovation Corps and the Tata Centre for Development, discusses the decision by the Indian government to end the use of current 500- and 1,000-rupee notes, including a Dec. 30, 2016 deadline to exchange the bills. He also outlines plans by the Tata Centre to study the effects of demonetization through large-scale research projects already underway in India.